Wednesday, November 14, 2007


In this commercial for Jello from the 60s we are shown a Chinese baby trying to eat "the great western invention," Jello. The baby is trying to eat the Jello with chopsticks but cannot pick up any of the Jello. Not only is the baby and mother very stereotypically Asian in appearance, but the narrator speaks with a thick Chinese accent, and we are shown “Chinese symbols.” The baby in this ad is shown as being not only stupid but very neat as well; the baby tries to use utensils instead of its hands.

This relates to the video “a threat to democracy.” In the video the Japanese were said to be submissive, although in the video Japanese were the subject, it still relates to the Chinese baby. In the commercial the baby is submissive in the way that it does not dive right into the Jello but instead waits to be given a better tool. The spoon which is also a show of American superiority is given to the baby and the baby becomes happy.

I think this ad is loaded with underlying racist content and my analysis just starched the surface of this commercial.

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