Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Shools in Africa

This post is about a group of ads from Germany featuring white children in black face with the ad saying “I’m waiting for my last day in school, the children in Africa still for their first one,” “in Africa, many kids would be glad to worry about school,” “in Africa, kids don’t come to school late, but not at all,” and “some teachers suck. No teachers suck even more.”

These ads portray all Africans as uneducated savages. Saying that the children in Africa children do not attend school is stereotypical and although I’m sure that there are some children in Africa who have not received a formal education all of these children are not necessarily black. Also many children in many countries do not receive formal educations this is not an issue limited to African children.

This relates to Johnson chapter 6 in the way that although we see the image we do nothing about because we do not want to cause problems. It also relates because most people would look at this ad and believe the stereotype presented in the ad campaign.

I think that this ad campaign could have been a successful if they had not featured the children in black face and if the ad would have presented statistics about education in Africa. I believe that these ads could have brought awareness to the issues that Africa is facing but they went about it the wrong way.

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